pp108 : Changing Rule SyncUp Configuration

Changing Rule SyncUp Configuration

This topic describes the procedure to change the SyncUp configuration for Rule Management Service Containers.

When more than one instance of the same application runs on a single machine or on different machines, synchronization among these instances is essential. Process Platform State SyncUp synchronizes data across instances and provides it to the user, as if it were available locally. A reliable multicast protocol for IP provides reliability and atomicity to application programs. Such a protocol is useful for developing distributed applications, particularly when it must be ensured that all members of the group receive the same information.

  1. Click Synchronize Service Containers on CUSP. A Choose Target dialog box appears.
  2. Click Rule Management to select the rule management service that is configured to the database for which you want to change the SyncUp configuration and click OK. The Synchronize Service Containers window is appears, displaying List of Components and the related Service Properties pane with the multicast IP and port number in the Multicast IP and Port Number text boxes respectively, by default.
  3. Make the necessary changes in the Multicast IP and Port Number text boxes and click on the toolbar.
    Note: For the changes to take effect on the instances configured to the corresponding database, restart each Rule Management service.
    The syncup configuration of the Rule Management service container is changed and all the service containers sharing the same multicast IP address will be in sync now.
    Note: For the changes to take effect on the instances configured to the corresponding database, restart each Rule Management service container.

Related tasks

Changing CoBOC Service Container SyncUp Configuration

Related information

Working With State SyncUp